LHS Drama Department Hosts Winterfest
April 14, 2022
On Feb. 11 and 12, Lexington High School hosted Winterfest—a showcase featuring student-created works. In previous years, a group of students called the Emerson Troupe wrote an original piece and performed it at the Emerson College High School Drama Festival. However, due to COVID-19 concerns, the festival could not take place at Emerson this year.
Winterfest consisted of three performances: the Emerson Troupe, a one-act play written by senior Allanna Chung, and the LHS Improv Troupe.
To prepare for the final performance, the different student-led troupes rehearsed twice a week.
“We devise a piece based off an idea that our director, the incredible Ms. Kalivas, presents to us. We then spend the first few rehearsals bouncing around ideas, coming up with a storyline, and then breaking off into groups to work on the script in chunks,” Ellie Caro, an LHS junior and three-time Emerson trouper, said.
In the midst of a pandemic, the customary procedures have changed to accommodate public safety.
“In a normal year, it’s a very cozy and compact environment and the energy buzzes throughout the space, but due to COVID the capacity of how many audience members we can host has been cut down,” Caro said.
Though there were many challenges, the actors, writers, and everyone involved found ways to make the show a bonding experience.
“I love the group dynamic. The whole reason I love theater is because of the people involved and the work we create… I don’t know what I would do without my theater family,” Caro said.
Director Carly Kalivas also expressed her fondness of the tight-knit sense of community during rehearsals.
“My favorite part of the rehearsal process is being in a room full of wonderfully collaborative and creative people. These devised works would never happen without the incredible humans who dedicate their time and energy to the process,” Kalivas said.
Though it has been challenging for everyone involved, participants have adapted to new restrictions, including masking requirements, when preparing for the show.
“Acting in masks has unique challenges for expression and articulation, though working in a more intimate space like the Black Box helps a lot,” Kalivas said.
Despite the hurdles, the students and teachers showcased their work and performances at Winterfest, which continues to be a tenet of the LHS Drama department.