Do you have any idea how lucky you are to live in the 21st century? Imagine you were a teen two hundred and fifty years ago. You’d hardly have a half-decent education, and you might work on a farm all day long, have to pay unjust taxes, and spend your days living in fear of a possible uprising against the British that could ravage your town. Nowhere near as great as the life you live now, is it? In fact, chances are that if you’re more than 17 years old (or even younger in some cases), you’d be actively serving in the American Revolutionary War. Whoa.
Believe it or not, that’s exactly what some folks nowadays spend their time doing—pretending they lived as a soldier for the Colonies or the British Army in 1775. It’s a hobby (though it’s more of an alternate lifestyle, we like to say) known as “reenacting.” I’m sure you’ve heard of it. We drill for hours, mastering the movements, commands, and lifestyles of the enlisted men of Great Britain during the time of the Revolutionary War. We put on historically accurate reenactment shows for you each year, and this year certainly is no exception. I’m sure you’ve seen the countdown on your way through the town center before, but this April 19th is the 250th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution!
The semi quincentennial celebration taking place this year makes you quite a lucky fellow. Not only are you lucky to be living in a year that isn’t 1775, but you’re extremely lucky to be living in the birthplace of American liberty during the 250-year celebration—many LHS students fail to realize how magnificent that is. I urge you to visit and learn more about the greatness that’s arising right outside your door.
This year, countless parades, reenactments, and other fascinating historical events will be flying at you faster than musket fire! How on Earth could you stand by and let every one of those bullets whizz past you without checking out at least a few? Only a fool would stay at home while such extraordinary events take place on the streets of their very own town; the opportunities and experiences that surround you are extraordinary, but it’s up to you to immerse yourself in them. If nothing else, come see the reenactment of the Battle of Lexington on the morning of April 19th (at 5:00 a.m.!).
Now GO! Go join a reenacting unit (! Go visit some historical houses or fascinating landmarks of the past (! Go learn something new about history or the revolution (! No matter how you choose to do it, go dive deep and explore the enchanting world that’s opened up just for you. I’ll be waiting while you do. See you in April!