Freshman Advice and Tips

Angie Leung, Online Editor

  • Plan out your courses and credits
    • Before picking out sophomore year courses or modifying your current course load, browse the Lexington High School Program of Studies. If possible, take gym classes in the fall to get more study periods in the spring. This extra time to study will come in handy during final exams and AP tests during the spring. It’s also a good idea to take as many gym courses as possible as an underclassman, so you can have more off-campus blocks in junior and senior year. 
  • Make the most of study spots!
    • If you are looking for a quiet place to study, you can go to Cary Library as it is only a five-minute walk from the Quad. Another option is the LHS library which is located in the Main Building. Open from 8:15 AM to 3:30 PM every school day, except on Fridays, the library is a great place where students can check out textbooks, recreational novels or sit at the tables and study. 
  • Lunch—the best time to relax and chat with your friends
    • LUNCH IS FREE THIS SCHOOL YEAR! Make sure to download Choosi, an app in which students can preorder their lunches and avoid waiting in the lunchline. Alternatively, get in line as early as you can—especially if your class ends before the bell. Try the sandwich or nacho bar for customizable options.  
  • Getting to Class
    • Making your way across LHS’ open campus can be a challenge. But don’t worry about getting lost because you’ll find your way within the first few weeks, I promise. No one likes hallway traffic jams, so keep up with the pace if there are people behind you! And remember, teachers will be understanding if you are a couple of minutes late after making a trip from the main building to the math building. 
    • An extra tip: there is usually heavy traffic near the doors of the Main Building and the doors leading to Commons I. If your next class is in the Mods, you can always take a left when you get to the Language Building and walk around the Fine Arts Building. 
  • Community Service
    • It’s a great idea to begin community service work in your freshman year. If you get the minimum of 40 hours done,  you won’t have to cram those hours later in high school. You can also meet new people through community service.
    • Don’t do community service just to fulfill graduation requirements. The work will be more rewarding if you participate in meaningful activities that you enjoy!
  • Join Activities
    • The Activities Fair is on Friday, Oct. 1! Make your best effort to join different clubs and sports teams. Clubs and sports are a great way to bond with upperclassmen and your peers. They are also fun and educational!
  • Take care of your health!
    • Please do your best to socially distance, sanitize your hands before eating, and keep your mask on so that we can all remain in person! If you feel sick, don’t hesitate to visit the nurse’s office or stay home. Do your best to get in those recommended eight hours of sleep, drink plenty of water, and stay active. 
    • Remember, your mental health is as important as your physical health. From your guidance counselor to your teachers, LHS’ faculty are there to support you. 
  • Have Fun!
    • Enjoy your freshman year and make the most of it! Don’t be afraid to take new classes, meet people, try a sport, or join a club. Stressing out over grades is not worth it—grades are not a measurement of who you are. At the end of the day, your best effort is what matters! Always reach out when you have any concerns or questions; students and teachers are willing to help out, and I promise that upperclassmen aren’t as scary as you think! Take care of yourself and always make time for the things you enjoy doing!